Mandala is the main character in the silat story series created by comic artist Mansyur Daman alias 'MAN' from Indonesia in the 1970s. This figure appears in the Silat comic series Bidadari Mata Elang which is also the work of MAN, then becomes the main character in his own series, the most popular in Siluman Sungai Ular. The comic series 'Mandala' is one of the popular fictional martial arts comics adapted into an action movie in 1983 with the title "Golok Setan", starring Barry Prima as Mandala and Advent Bangun as Banyu Jaga. The success of the film was followed by an adaptation of both, Mandala Dari Sungai Ular in 1987.

The story set in the mythological era of the archipelago tells of the adventures of Mandala, a powerful knowledgeable martial arts warrior, noble and strong-bodied person who came from the River Snake. Mandala is a student of Bharata, a one-armed old warrior, and always accompanied by his favorite white horse.

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